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The 10th of January seems to be my updating day and I kinda love it.

Last years January blog entry was "Easing into 2021".

This year it is "Re-emergence".

Me, on the 23rd of December 2021, blissfully unaware of what was it ensue.

A few days into my three week break from work/uni/social media.

A brunch date to Salt Cafe in Morningside (If you haven't been yet, do yourself a favour and go eat many plates of the Lost Bread).

Wearing my brand new cardigan that my nanny and grandad bought for me.

Ahhhh bliss... fast forward to the day after Christmas Day.

The LFTs were pulled out.

Test after test was done to confirm what we absolutely knew.

After nearly two years, the rona got us.

I won't go into much detail apart from many tearful phone calls were made for yet another planned trip to Ireland cancelled and now on my first decent break in a while, I was confined to stay inside the very beige walls of our flat.

Needless to say, the festive season was NOT what we were expecting at all. Again.

Neither was NYE (see picture left "NYE in isolation").

It was a highly emotional night but the bells were rang in and in my case yet another cup of tea was drank!

And so 2022 began.

I don't buy into the manic-ness of the new year anymore. I used to. I used to feverishly set a number of far fetched resolutions while boldly exclaiming that I would absolutely complete them come hell or high water. Honestly, I should have been a motivational speaker. This year there was a lot of soul searching done. More than usual which was prompted by being both unwell and literally being inside. Like the majority of the time.

I sat with myself in ceremony. I sat with dear friends in ceremony on Zoom. I had many video chats with family in Ireland. I switched off and kept social media switched off so I could switch on. So I could switch back on my inner light. My inner knowing. To tune in to what it is I need now. Not what I needed before Christmas, last Summer or last January. What I need now and in each moment as it arises.

My conclusion thus far;

I need myself.

In all of my forms.

In all of my emotional states.

And in all of my cycles.

My words for this year thus far;

Potent & Radiant.

How I am re-emerging into the world thus far;

Tenderly. With deep respect for myself and my body. My priorities to the forefront, not lost behind a cloud of noise from the outside world. My vision for my life clearer.

My question to you is,

What do YOU need right now?

Is it a deep breath or a hug?

Is it to sit down and rest or to jump forth with action?

Let the answers come. Let them marinade.

Do what is right for you in each and every moment.

My newsletter will be in your inbox later today. If you haven't signed up you can do so via my website or email me to join.

Classes will be bookable from the newsletter being released.

I can't wait to see you on the mat


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Jan 10, 2022

Thank you for those inspirational words ✨

Jan 10, 2022
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Thank you for taking the time to read 🌟


Jan 10, 2022

Jan 10, 2022
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You the best mom xoxo

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